Are you turning to food to cope with your high stress levels?

In this training, I'll show you another way. I propose focusing on the issue at hand - an inability to cope with stress, and not the symptom of stress eating.

What You'll Learn:

  • EXACTLY what you need to do, step-by-step to stop stress eating and reducing your stress levels daily.

  • HOW your stress hormones impact your health & your ability to say 'NO' to certain types of foods.

  • WHY you turn to food for comfort when your stressed & what to do instead of eating.

  • KEY steps to reducing your stress levels including foods, supplements and lifestyle factors.

Your Instructor

  • Jenna Lessner

    Jenna Lessner

    Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant

    Hi! I’m Jenna. A born-and-raised farm girl with nothing more than a passion and a dream to help others find freedom from food, as an Emotional Eating Coach. Using food as comfort has been my fallback my entire life and I have struggled with obesity because of an unhealthy relationship with food. When I graduated university with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 2010, my weight had climbed to 295 pounds. The day I stepped on the scale and saw that number staring back at me was a turning point in my life. I developed the tools to help me get out of my vicious cycle and finally gain my health back. I no longer turned to food for comfort and found other healthy modalities that helped me deal with my severe depression. Through my formal education and experience, I believe nutrient-dense foods are the key to optimal health. Nurturing the body starts with whole food. But I also believe it’s not about the food. How we view food and our relationships towards food is the bigger issue. The harder issue, the issue that people shy away. Keeping the weight off for 5 years isn’t because nutrition became my passion, but because I learned to have a healthy relationship with food.