Love is an inside job.

The hands-down most comprehensive program for creating self-love.

When you look in the mirror, how do you feel on a scale of 1 to " I am a magnificent being!"

I'm guessing it's not the vision you hoped for. That all-too-familiar self-loathing and judgement begin because you're carrying a few extra pounds and your thighs touch.

What if I told you that is was possible to love yourself FIERCELY? What if instead, every time you looked in the mirror you were met with love, compassion, and CONFIDENCE?

Maybe YOU...

  • want to look in the mirror and LOVE what you see staring back at you.

  • already know that you are your own worst critic.

  • DREAM of walking into a room with complete and utter CONFIDENCE.

There's a part of you that knows that losing weight isn't going to create love for the body you have been criticizing for years.

I believed that for years, too. I thought if I could just lose the weight THEN I will love my body. When in fact, after losing 130-pounds I criticized my body just as much as I did at 295 pounds (maybe even more).

The problem is the myth that

weight-loss equals self-acceptance.

I know I had always assumed WEIGHT LOSS = BODY ACCEPTANCE, WEIGHT LOSS = HAPPINESS, WEIGHT LOSS = LOVE. Boy, was I mistaken. I have lost over 100 pounds. And I am here to tell you that weight loss DOES NOT equal body acceptance, happiness or love.

Self-love doesn't happen overnight.

I'm Jenna Lessner.

I've learned that I am infinitely worthy no matter what my size. And so are YOU. You don't need to be a size 2 to love your body. So what DO you need?
Self-love doesn't happen overnight.

Get ready to join the revolution.

All you have to do is commit to showing up.

Seriously though. It's that simple. Notice that I didn't say easy... When you begin showing up for yourself, I KNOW that is when you'll feel the change. I'm Jenna, and 3 years ago, I was deep in self-loathing. I had no idea how to even begin to love myself. I softened critical thoughts and worked hard on my mindset. I kept showing up for the work even when it was uncomfortable. And I can now look in the mirror with LOVE, GRATITUDE, AND CONFIDENCE.

Want to feel that way?

I'll teach you how I did it.

I've helped 100's of individuals just like your self - improve their self-worth, self-confidence, and self-acceptance.

Ready to lay a foundation that's sound and FINALLY feel like you're in love with your body? AMAZING! Here's how we'll get you there.

Introducing: Love Your Body

The hands-down most comprehensive program for creating self-love.

Love Your Body is the most insanely comprehensive, nutrition-inspired, mindset shifting program ever, focused on getting you real results so you can get out of your own way and get on living your very best life!

At this point, you *know* you need to make a mindset shift and the last thing you need is another "diet."

Within seconds of enrolling, you'll unpack:

  • The V.A.L.U.E.D. curriculum used throughout the training.
  • The 8-part sequence to creating self-love.
  • The 8 core instructional training on developing a healthier relationship with your body.
  • The 8-weeks of nourishing meal plans that nurture your body from the inside out.
  • More than 8 mindfulness practices to shift your mindset.
  • Loads of journal prompts, exercises, and mindfulness practices.

All packaged together to give you a solid framework for creating more love in your life. 

After Love Your Body,

  • You'll wake up feeling worthy, beautiful, and enough.

  • You'll feel more confident in your skin.

  • You'll have a better understanding of yourself and your core desires.

  • You'll be able to release judgements and beliefs that have been holding you back.

  • You'll rekindle the sacred relationship that you have with yourself.

  • You'll increase your peace, pleasure, and intuition.

  • You'll feel confident in being authentically you.

  • You'll know which foods nurture your body and help you feel your very best.

Module One

An introduction to the V.A.L.U.E.D. methodology which will be used throughout the course to help you create more love and light in your life. V.A.L.U.E.D. will show you my step-by-step way to appreciating your body for all that it does.
Module One

Module Two

Establish a sense of security and safety in your body. Many of us have been walking around hiding all of our insecurities, but it's time to shed them and own who we truly are.
Module Two

Module Three

Acceptance is a choice. In this module, you'll learn how to make that choice. By choosing your body you'll cultivate a new sense of self-respect.
Module Three

Module Four

Step into your Worth! We are all infinitely worthy. Learn how to develop a self-worth practice. And it's time to witness your self-judgement and counteract it by developing a practice of self-empathy.
Module Four

Module Five

Gratitude is the attitude. The human body is an amazing vessel that is capable of Learn how showing your body gratitude can change your perspective of it.
Module Five

Module Six

Learn how to rewrite negative belief patterns that are holding you back. And I'll guide to through my process of using affirmations to reprogram the subconscious mind.
Module Six

Module Seven

Your intuition wants you to feel good. Begin cultivating a deeper relationship with your body. Learn how to trust your body and its intuitive nature.
Module Seven

Module Eight

Self-acceptance is a journey that continues on. Choosing to accept with compassion is the key lesson of this final module.
Module Eight

The testimonials are in:

“The Love Your Body program helped me gain insight into the barriers that were holding me back from meeting my goals, and being more comfortable in my body. I loved the supportive nature of the group setting, and the weekly group coaching, as this helped keep me on track and accountable to the goals I had set for myself. Jenna has a great approach to teaching mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-compassion, and I really enjoyed working with her on this.”

Dr. Marsha KuceraDr. Marsha Kucera

“It helped me grow myself as an individual and not necessarily with just nutrition. Jenna helped me dive into more of the reasoning behind my habits and my old thought patterns of what I thought about myself beforehand.”

Alannah McKenzieAlannah McKenzie

“Jenna has the knowledge and the resources to help you achieve your goal, not her goal.”

Barry PrattBarry Pratt

“Jenna helped me re-frame my beliefs around eating and focus on more positive self-conversations around food choices. Her support was vital to get me back on track. Would highly recommend her!”

Aleesa NelsonAleesa Nelson

“Jenna gave me permission to be myself, with absolutely no judgement at all. I didn't have to fit a formula or something else I didn't fit into. ”

Jolene KwasnitzaJolene Kwasnitza

Choose Love Your Body when you're ready to improve your confidence, know your worth, and generate a whole lot of love for the body that you're in.

I mean, c'mon when was the last time you felt that way?
Choose Love Your Body when you're ready to improve your confidence, know your worth, and generate a whole lot of love for the body that you're in.

When you enroll get ready for:

  • 8 core Modules for creating Self-Love.
  • 8+ core Mindfulness Practices to begin shifting your mindset.
  • 8 core Trainings on developing a healthier relationship with your body.
  • 8 nourishing Meal Plans to nurture your body from the inside out.
  • FINALLY, feeling confident in your own skin.

When you add that all up, it's a value of over $2500

Because I'm passionate about creating a self-love revolution

and helping you FINALLY feel confident in your skin, you can choose between the Self-Directed Program, Premium Group Coaching or a VIP Custom Coaching Program!

Curious About Me?

My name is Jenna Lessner, and I'm a born-and-raised farm girl with nothing more than a passion and a dream to create a self-love revolution. I'm a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant who realized that even after going through 130-pound weight loss I was still at war with my body. Judgement, criticism, and deep body shame were my daily mantras. So I knew I still had work to do. Three years later, I can unequivocally tell you that I love my body and I am grateful for each and every part of it. And I want to teach you how to do the same.
Curious About Me?


  • When does the course start and finish?

    Love Your Body is completely self-paced! Each week will be released one-by-one, allowing you time to complete the module before continuing to the next step.

  • How long do I have access to the course?

    How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

  • What if I am unhappy with the course?

    If you are unhappy with your results within 14 days of purchasing Love Your Body, we'll refund you 100% of your money! All that we ask is that you show us proof that you actually did the work and followed the meal plans. (Completed worksheets and discussion prompts are usually enough)

More Questions? Please feel free to email me at [email protected] and I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.

Nope. I'm not going to say Love Your Body is for everyone. Because it's not.

But it is for you if you can relate to at least 1 of the following:

  1. You are ready for change.
  2. You have a coachable attitude.
  3. You recognize that it's about more than weight loss.
  4. You are willing to dig in and do the work.

Ready to Love Your Body?!

Join the revolution.

Yes! i'm in!